Care to join? Gradually, in dialogue, with no set course.
I step out of the isolation of dwelling in a single discipline. From graphic artist to curator to graphic designer to … Back and forth and on and on. Connecting with others from different disciplines is crucial. Bringing people, objects, ideas together to let the unexpected emerge – more than what you can come up with on your own. That is something that has always interested me. Always will.
It is out of this spirit that Verzameld Werk grew. A wondrous house in the heart of Ghent and for twenty-five years a playground for designers and guests, architects and artists. Tailer-made by thinkers and doers. Unpolished, pure and open, always ready for a next intervention. How do you make a book about a period that is behind you? Sitting down with strangers, people who knew nothing about either Verzameld Werk or me, I put the motley collection of images on the table. Verzameld Werk rewrites itself through the gaze of the other. Leaf by leaf. Le souvenir d’un avenir. Who will lay a next decisive hand?
Studies: From Past till Present: Graphic Art – KASK Gent, Animation – Academie voor beeldende kunsten Gent, Media art – Academie Beeldende & Audiovisuele Kunsten Anderlecht, Anthropology and Art: Museums, Galleries and Globalisation – Goldsmiths University of London, Beeldende en Audiovisuele Kunst – RHoK Brussel,
Work: Verzameld Werk/ Art And Design And Movements In Between, Curator in Residence for ArtEZ University for the Arts, Co-founder Post Restant, Ingrid De Coster – Six impossible things before breakfast / A book,